Herning Vand in English

Herning Vand in English

Om os > Herning Vand in English

Who is Herning Vand?

»Every day we work to ensu­re our cust­o­mers cle­an and tasty drinking water. We also col­lect and puri­fy their wastewa­ter befo­re we return it to the water cyc­le. We do this with respect towards our cust­o­mers, part­ners, and the society.”

This is Herning Vand’s core task, and eve­ry day near­ly 70 employ­e­es work to ful­fill this. Since 1907 the city of Herning has recei­ved water from a water wor­ks, and today we own and run three water wor­ks (Østre, Nordre and Vestre) which deli­ver water to approxi­ma­te­ly 18.000 cust­o­mers. The wastewa­ter from all Herning Municipality is puri­fied at one of our 11 wastewa­ter tre­at­ment plants of which Herning Renseanlæg at Ålykkevej 5 in Herning is the lar­gest. This address also hosts our admi­ni­stra­tion, pro­duction and plan & pro­ject departments.

Since 2010, we have been an inde­pen­dent com­pa­ny owned by Herning Municipality. The com­pa­ny must be self-supporting which means that Herning Vand are not allowed to pro­fit from the rates and fees char­ged by the cust­o­mers. Any pro­fit must be used the fol­lowing years on lower rates.

We are a local com­pa­ny which plays an acti­ve role in the municipality’s deve­l­op­ment becau­se we work and act local­ly. But we also seek regio­nal, natio­nal, and inter­na­tio­nal coo­pe­ra­tion to make tech­ni­cal and environment-conscious solu­tions which are use­ful and ensu­re that we lea­ve no bill to our chil­dren and grandchildren.

Our Strategy

Our stra­te­gy is the fra­mework for the work of the employ­e­es, board and mana­ge­met. Our stra­te­gy is a ben­ch­mark for eve­ry one who is a part of Herning Vand’s futu­re development.

The pic­tu­re to the right shows our stra­te­gy for the years 2021 – 2025. If you cli­ck on the pic­tu­re, it will open as a pdf.